Stanislav Libensky & Jaroslava Brychtova
Voices of Contemporary Glass

© Photo: Henry Halem
The first video on the left, produced by the Corning Museum of Glass, gives the viewer an insight into the collaborations of this brilliant Czech husband and wife team. I am a great admirer of their work and enjoyed a warm friendship with them. The second video shows the intricacy of installing these massive glass sculptures. Their works are found in many major museums throughout the world. The Libensky/Brychtova web site will give you a decent view of their sculptures as well as the drawings that preceded the finished objects. The drawings reveal in detail Libenskys initial conceptualization of the sculptures. From the drawings Brychtova was able to build the clay models as well as collaborate on the final form of the work. It was to say the least, a true collaboration. A Google search will return many sites that have images of their sculptures.