If you're a supplier and would like to be included on the list below let me know what you supply and be sure to include your URL.
Click on any of the suppliers listed below and you will be taken to their web site.
I've tried to keep the links up-to-date. If you find a dead link please let me know.

Studio Products
Hand Tools
Sand Blasters

These companies sell a diverse line of products for the glass studio.

These companies sell hand tools. Some are better than others and everyone has their favorites. I would recommend you go to a GAS conference and visit the booths of these companies and give their products a try.

These companies sell sandblasters. Go to their web sites to get an idea of what they sell. If you're going to do a good deal of sandblasting don't cheap out. I've listed a few below. I know there are many other distributors of blast cabinets and blasters. I would recommend you do a Google search for a reseller.


There are a number of companies that manufacture glass furnaces for the glass studio. Below is a web listing for those companies. I would recommend you find a studio using they type of furnace you're interested in purchasing and get their opinion on the product.

**Parts for Stadleman electric furnace and Moly elements.
*** Located in Great Britain


The companies below sell UV adhesives and I've noted the companies that sell HXTAL. If you're going to do a decent amount of UV gluing I recommend purchasing a good UV light.

*C.R. Laurence sells a full line of U.V. Adhesives. Their own brand is moderately priced compared to the other brands and comes in all different viscosities.


These two companies sell casting investment. Ransom & Randolph manufactures three high temperature products specifically for investment casting. Zircar manufactures Luminar or Mold Mix 6, a softer fiber based paintable investment material.

Rubber Products

The companies below sell all types of rubber molding products.


These companies sell furnace crucibles.


Some controllers are more sophisticated than others and some have a fairly steep learning curve. Digitry was the first to make the digital controller user friendly and has constantly upgraded their product line to meet the demands of the modern glass studio.The mainline companies make many different models for different applications. All the companies listed make high quality dependable products.

Burner Systems

Some of these companies sell just a tip for your burner system as well as complete burner systems. Send email to purchase directly or find a distributor.

*Pine Ridge, the originator of the ribbon burner is no longer selling ribbon burners. Tom Ash of Pine Ridge has anointed Charlie Correll to manufacture his burners. Charlie has a spiffy web site with all the info on the Ribbon Burner.

Element Wire

These companies wind elements for your annealer to your specifications.

Abrasive & Diamond Products

Some of the abrasives carried by these companies include:
Grit for grinding
Grains for blasting
Blades, pads, belts, drills, and wheels
Check their web sites for a complete list of products.

Cast Iron Molds

(In their words) Island Mold and Machine has been making molds for the glass industry for 75 years. 1939 to 2016. We make cast iron paste molds for a lot of factories and studios.


These companies fabricate high quality cherrywood, and other wood, blocks as well as a host of other wood tools and molds.

Casting Glass

These companies sell billets of casting glass. Casting glass differs from standard blowing cullet. Casting glass is formulated specifically for casting will not (usually) devitrify when cast and it comes in many colors. As you might suspect casting glass is more expensive than cullet.

Color rods

These are the companies that sell color (colour) rods for furnace working. I have not listed all those companies, and there are many, that sell rods for torch working.

Tools, Nuts, Bolts, Stuff

These three companies sell everything hardware and then some. Harbor Freight sells Chinese made products, some good and some as you might expect not so good. It's hard at some time or other to avoid buying from Harbor Freight. Cheap diamond tools? Harbor Freight has them. I purchased a sandblast unit and exhaust on the cheap from them. Seems to be well made and the exhaust works fine even if it does sound like a cyclone. McMaster Carr and W.W. Grainger are the old stalwart "we sell everything", and they do, companies. I must have bought 50 squirrel cage blowers and chicken timers from Grainger in the early years.


These companies sell many types of refractory materials for the glass studio.

Fusing Kilns

These companies manufacture fusing kilns. They all have digital controllers. Some of the controllers are easier to program than others but all will do the job. If you purchase a front loading fusing kiln make sure it has elements in the door. You can also purchase fusing kilns from all the companies that manufacture glass furnaces.

The suppliers listed above have not solicited me to endorse their products and these listing should not be construed as an endorsement. It is up to you the end user to research the products offered.
